42. The other evening my daughter and I noticed the moon in the sky...a slight sliver of light in an upturned smile shape. How beautiful it was. We took time to stop and gaze upward and we both agreed the sky was smiling at us. Beauty is all around us, whether we notice it or not. Our days are so busy and become so crowded with stuff, with stress, with loneliness, with pain...that we miss the simple beauties present. Just a quick look into the faces of our family, reveals God's beauty.
While talking with a beautiful friend today, It came to my mind...we complicate God and our relationship to Him. We have reduced Him to our small, discouraged existence...and ask Him, how could He ever love us and how could we ever measure up. We have it all wrong! His beauty is limitless and His love is pure...He is just waiting for us to turn our hearts upward and notice His beauty in His spoken Words to us. Beauty is revealed to us as we read and listen to Him. Without His Word, our lives loose precious moments of wonder. His Word washes away the pain and stress, stuff and loneliness...our families faces grow more lovely and others around us can be viewed through new eyes. His spoken Words bring renewed life...moment by moment. Each Word is divinely inspired by purity and holiness. That Word refreshes, restores, molds and regenerates our thinking, our actions, our whole personality. The Words that give us our direction for life, relationships, fears, the future and everything that concerns us.
Take time to read that precious Word...God's Word...His heart to you...and you'll find your heart looking upward in a smile.
"Take the first step in faith.
You don't have to see the whole staircase,
just take the first step."
~ Dr. M.L.King, Jr