72. Being the collector that I am...dishes happen to be in that category. It is enjoyable to see and read blogs of dish collectors and those who enjoy "Table scape" with their dishes.
Several months ago, when I was pining of the lack of cabinet space and how it would be so nice to have a china cabinet, my brother-in-law mentioned someone who has a cabinet they want to give away. "What"! How exciting! We exchanged phone numbers and my sweet honey went and picked it up for me. Just about all my furniture is well loved pieces handed down to a very appreciative recipient or selected graciously from the road side. Alright...dumpster diving or garbage spotting. New is great...but vintage *smile* is very good.
The cabinet is not vintage but has a good deal of space to store all my pieces that have been in boxes in my garage. And it fits perfectly in our dining room.
"Frugality may be termed the daughter of Prudence,
the sister of Temperance,
and the parent of Liberty."
~Samuel Johnson