Homemade Gingerbread Cookies (recipe here)
My sister gave me a Dachshund cookie cutter and I was so excited to use it. I just added a little bit of dough as the ear.
I always under bake my gingerbread so it stays softer in the center.
I like to make other shapes with my gingerbread dough...stars and holly leaves.
...and little men.
And here is a picture of our Christmas Roasted Chicken with cranberry mushroom stuffing.
Have a beautiful holiday with your family and friends!
"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."
~Roy L. Smith
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!"
~Hamilton Wright Mabie
Lifts Earth to Heaven, stoops Heaven to Earth."
~Richard Crashaw