Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life is a Symphony

47. Aren't friends wonderful? I received several lovely tokens of affection this week, from friends. Since recovering from surgery, it is very difficult to cook, clean...just getting in and out of a chair became a new challenge for me!  

Yesterday, I posted a recipe for my "honey's" Tomatoe Sauce, and after I finished...it made me so hungry for..."Homemade Tomatoe Sauce"!!!!!!!! Not long after I finished typing, my "honey" called and said a meal would be coming to our door...so don't cook. Not to worry here...I'm just now beginning to stand up and sit down without making grunting sounds. I promise, I won't cook anything!

So at dinner time the doorbell rang, 
and our sweet friends,
Frank and Carol, 
carried in armfuls of yummy smelling stuff!!
So Maggie set the table and
I pulled back the cover on the casserole dish,
and guess what it was....you guessed it...Rigatoni with Homemade Sauce,
Meatballs and Pork cooked in the sauce.
AAAAHHHHHH. Her sauce was fantastic!!!
Carol made a beautiful salad with homemade dressing
and cupcakes.
She wrapped them in a cellophane bag covered with hearts. Maggie smiled!

How does God do it? Don't you feel like your life is part of a symphony at times? I do! How He can speak to one heart...and they know exactly what to say or do for another heart. He is the master composer!

And this lovely planter was a sweet "Get-Well" gift from Cecilia. How did she know I have a soft spot for rubber plants? They remind me of my grandma. We always had them growing somewhere in our house.

Just knowing how many friends were praying for me...and continue to pray for me during this recoup time, humbles me. I am blessed with friends...with you!

How can I touch someone's heart today? Am I listening for the notes? Have I read the music score? Am I obeying the conductor? Have I practiced my part? Is my life "in-tune"? Am I on time for the concert?  The melody is playing all around you...if you'll hear it!  

I tell my girls all the time, if someone comes to your mind, it is time to pray for them or touch them with a call, card or visit.  God drops names and faces into our hearts for a reason...so we can keep that strain of music flowing in perfect harmony...from one life to another.  He knows why He places someone in our heart...because He is writing the perfect music score!  

"Life is one grand, sweet song,
so start the music.
 ~ Ronald Reagan


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