Saturday, January 5, 2019

Curry Squash Soup

 353.  Our Farmers Market in town has beautiful homegrown, fresh produce on a weekly basis every Saturday morning.  This week I picked up lovely squash to make soup.
This recipe is similar to my Curry Butternut Squash Soup I made years ago.  I've made a few adjustments and I love the flavor.  Here is a recipe card for you:
                                          To save recipe select, drag and drop onto your desktop.  Print as a photo.
This is a delicious soup and is so warm and satisfying.  It also freezes well and you get your turmeric fix as well *wink *wink.

"Only the pure in heart can make a good soup."  ~ Ludwig van Beethoven

"I live on good soup not on fine words."  ~ Moliere


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