Thursday, February 16, 2023

Wedding Cake

438.  It was a simple wedding ceremony with 4 people in attendance.  The bride was absolutely beautiful and groom so handsome.  The decision was to hold a civil ceremony and then a more grand wedding reception later in the year.  Not only to save money but to be together...finally.

The night before we picked up flowers and created a bouquet for the bride.  Because no bride should be without a bouquet of some sort.

The morning of the wedding ceremony, I woke up to the thought, "There isn't a wedding cake!  We need a wedding cake!"  Because no bride should be without a wedding cake.
So, I quickly baked my favorite vanilla cake and used amaretto and vanilla flavoring in the recipe and frosting.  There were flowers remaining, so I used them to decorate the cake.
The happy couple were surprised.  They cut the cake together and fed each other a piece.  It was darling!  And the cake was delicious!
Congratulations to the happy couple!  Because all newly married couples need to be congratulated!

"It is such a happiness when good people get together - and they always do."
~ Jane Austen


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