Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Chicken Souvlaki

431.  There is a great diner, serving Greek dishes, located in Long Beach, New York.  It sits on a corner directly across from another diner.  Rumor has it, there were two friends who opened the Greek diner together.  They couldn't see eye to eye, so one of the friends quit, walked out and went directly across the street and opened their own diner. It's funny because each restaurant is great, but the one that serves Greek dishes is the original diner and always a favorite.  (Although, the second diner has better french fries, breakfast foods and coffee.)

So, the diner that serves Greek dishes makes a killer Chicken Souvlaki served over a large salad.  Each time I go I intend to try something else on the menu but inevitably will choose the Souvlaki.  Missing that great diner, I decided to try to duplicate the meal, impossible, I know, but I took the risk.  
What would I need?  Well, chicken of course, Romain and iceberg lettuce, red onion, feta cheese, pita bread, Kalamata olives, Tzatziki, and tomato. The marinade for my chicken was pretty simple.  I cubed two large chicken breasts and placed the meat in a ziplock adding salt, pepper, minced garlic, fresh thyme, fresh oregano chopped fine, juice from a whole lemon, a shake of garlic salt.  I let this marinade in the refrigerator for several hours.  I then placed it on wooden skewers that I soaked in water, then grilled them.  Trader Joes has a Tzatziki Dip that is very delicious and is a perfect compliment.  Here is a recipe from Yummly that is similar.
You could leave the pita whole and wrap all the items inside to eat like a sandwich.  I prefer everything over a salad.  And that is what we did.
"Yassas"  Meaning, 'To Your Health'"

"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French.  Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek.  Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it (all) good.
~Alice May Brock


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