Monday, February 2, 2009

The Simple Things

33.  Do you know of anyone who has a birthday that is celebrated on a holiday?  I know a few and three of them happen to be my siblings.  The chances of this happening in the same family is very slim but it sure has made for good trivia over the years.

So, I have three siblings, all older than myself.  A brother and two older sisters.
  My brother was born at Thanksgiving.  Being that Thanksgiving is on a different numbered day each year, he celebrates his birthday on Thanksgiving every so many years.  
Next, my oldest sister was born on February 14th, Valentines Day.
 And my sister closest to me in age was born on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day.  
My birthday is in December...the 14th that is.  It could have been on Christmas Day but as my mom always said, I have always had a mind of my own.  Maybe I was in a hurry...or just plain stubborn.

When each holiday/birthday would roll around, we would celebrate with a cake!   My memories remind me of the round, two layer homemade cake with white frosting and maraschino cherries dotting the top and sides.  We would love to pick the cherries off and eat them first...or take a bite of cherry and a bite of cake together!  If you ever stole a cherry you were always found out because of the red indented mark it made in the frosting.  And yes, mother, I was the one who would steal the cherries out of the jar...that you had hidden in the refrigerator.  Guilty!

Here are pictures of my siblings and myself with our mom
and with our dad, and the birthday cake.  (I'm on the far left)

It is the simple things in life that make the most impressionable memories.  A simple hug, a homemade cake, a hand written card.  These things speak loudly.

I remember recently being in a party supply store and a mother trying to make her little one happy with the basket full of supplies for the 5 year-old's party.   His repeated words of "No...I want those!",  could be heard throughout the store.   I realized, it isn't the "stuff" that makes the's the people you spend time with that make the memories special.  All it takes is a simple cup of coffee or a phone call.  Not a big elaborate celebration or major spending spree!  Just be available and give your time...don't try to impress or be something that you are not, just honest and real.  And by all means, love!

The memories of my father holding felt as though I were 100 ft. off the ground and the gentle touch of my mothers cheek.  Being able to sit on her lap for hours on end to hug, kiss and sing together.  Thanks mom, and dad for the simple things in life!

"The best things in life are nearest:  
Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, 
flowers at your feet, duties at your hand,
 the path of right just before you.  
Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, 
common work as it comes, 
certain that daily duties and daily bread 
are the sweetest thing in life." 
 ~ Robert Lous Stevenson


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