Saturday, January 3, 2009

Walnut-Orange Bûche de Noël

23.  Do you shy away from challenging tasks?   I seem to gravitate to them.  But I must admit, my patience and tolerance levels have grown over the years.  Where once I would have thrown up my hands and walked away in tears, now I want to figure it out and accomplish the impossible.
On New Years Day a new challenge was taken on...a recipe 
for "Walnut-Orange Bûche de Noël" from the Martha Stewart Holiday Magazine 2008.  
You can find the recipe here.  It is a deliciously wonderful challenge!!!  My family enjoyed this tremendous treat while we played Scatergories and sipped espresso. 
 It did take a great deal of time, because of the steps involved...but it was so rewarding and absolutely delicious !
Take on a challenge this New Year...don't run and hide...make a new recipe...begin to write that book you know is in your in that a whole book!  Or just challenge yourself to tell your family you love them every day.

"You may be whatever you resolve to be.  Determine to be something in the world, 
and you will be something.  'I cannot', never accomplished anything;
 'I will try', has wrought wonders." 
J. Hawke


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